Venus SignThe Definitive Guide 2019
This page is about Venus.
The second planet from the Sun, Venus represents love and money.
It is how we are social, how we flirt, what are our hobbies and interests, money and material things we buy with it.
Let’s take a look at Venus and Venus Signs.

What Is Venus In Astrology
In Astrology, Venus and the Venus sign is the love planet. The planet of love, true love, pleasure, and beauty, whereas Mars would represent desires and passion. Venus rules your capacity to express affection and to enjoy the beauty. Venus also rules money and how we spend it.
The sign of Venus gives essential information about how you show yourself in personal relationships and your romantic life, especially in love and marriage.
It is an indicator of how you ‘turn on’ romantically and the style and method in which you flirt or go about “winning” someone that you like
It also indicates your attitude toward money, personal possessions, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values.
Venus rules over 2 signs. Sensual Taurus and harmonious Libra. Through earthy, grounded Taurus, Venus expresses her yin, feminine qualities. This aspect of Venus rules our receptivity. What do we need (not necessarily what we DO – that would be Moon) to feel happy, fulfilled and loved?
Venus Planet Summary
- Planet: Venus
- House Ruler: 2nd & 7th Houses
- Ruler of: Taurus & Libra
- Detriment: Scorpio & Aries
- Exalted: Pisces
- Fall: Virgo
- Polarity: Yin / Yang
- Light Traits: Affection
- Shadow Traits: Pliancy
- Keyword: I LOVE
- Symbol:

Venus Sign Meaning
Venus is Libra reveals her more yang, or masculine, moves. This is the outward expression of Venus: our fashion sense, material urges (and splurges), aesthetic preferences, and how we romance the ones we adore.
Venus in Taurus people may prefer practical luxury, saving up for pricey, yet well made, items from classic brands. They may be slower, but steadier, in their seduction approach, preferring to let relationships build organically.
The position of Venus also shows a person’s perception of relationship and affection. Or, the qualities and expressions of affection that someone may be most receptive to, or comfortable with.

Venus Symbol / Glyph
The Venus symbol is represented by a circle with a small cross joining the circle underneath connecting to the circle.
It is used to represent the female sex in most forms.

Venus Sign Calculator
If you do not know what your Venus sign is, you can use our Venus Sign Calculator which will tell you what your Venus Sign is.
It will also calculate all of your other planets as well.

Venus Signs List
Venus through The Signs – An Overview
So now that we have discussed Venus let’s take a little look at how Venus signs manifest themselves through the signs of the zodiac in a bit more detail. Every astrological sign has a specific set of qualities – positive and negative.
Below are some of the key traits of each sign of each zodiac sign.

Venus In Aries
Venus (to harmonise) in Aries Sign (energetic and urgent).
They enjoy being first (cardinal) in matters related to fashion and beauty. They may also seek new forms of entertainment. They follow your pleasures energetically and urgently. They must have it!
They are direct, and you might be too direct in areas of romance, even coarse. They may fall in love with someone at sight and have a whirlwind romance (cardinal).
Venus in Aries people
They try to win you over by expressing how enterprising and independent they are by letting them know about their accomplishments.
Their style of expressing love can be very “me” focused, but the right person for them will find this approach charming. They’re turned on by activity and energy.
Some turn-offs include a relationship that is considered stuffy or too “mature”, vagueness, and beating around the bush. They require plenty of stimulation for a relationship to remain fresh.
Venus in Aries Signs likes to take the lead in love, even if their Sun Sign is gentle Pisces.

Venus In Taurus
Venus (to harmonise) in Taurus (Enduring and Possessive).
With Venus in Taurus, you are affectionate and seek lasting pleasures.
You want to attract a partner, rather than to take the first steps yourself (passive).
You are also more likely to get involved with someone rather slowly (stable), but once you have a relationship, you tend to keep it (fixed).
In relationships, you may be very possessive. You may be attracted to others according to how functional the relationship is (earth), and you are unlikely to run away with someone after a lightning romance!
You want to have beautiful things in your home.
In love affairs, you are loyal and steady, especially if your partner is demonstrative and affectionate. You orient towards the sensual side of life in everything you do, and it may show through too much weight.
You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is fundamental to you.
You enjoy indulging yourself and the ones you love, and it is too easy for you to be extravagant and perhaps to put too much value in material things.
Self-control needs to be developed and added to the qualifications you already possess -warmth, charm, sympathy, artistic.
Guard against possessiveness, jealousy, and taking the easy way out in your relationships.
You aim to please in practical and earthy ways.

Venus In Gemini
Venus (to harmonise) in Gemini (versatile and variable).
If you have Venus sign in Mercury-ruled Gemini, in matters of love and romance, a person’s sense of humour, intellect, and communication skills attract you more than their physical appearance.
You desire a partner who is mentally stimulating, curious, one who can challenge your mind, and keeps you from getting bored.
Relationships, where talking, sharing ideas, going places, and learning new things together, are highly preferred and needed.
You need a lot of social stimulation and can be a bit of a flirt.
Jealous and possessive partners turn you off. You are charming, friendly, and enjoy meeting new people.
Venus in Gemini can be fickle in matters of love and may have a tendency to desire more than one love interest at a time.
You enjoy the fun and excitement of love, yet may fear its obligations.
Your feelings can be well expressed through speaking, through writing or poetry, or perhaps through art where you get a chance to work with your hands.
Your emotions are ruled by your mind, and you may prefer intellectualising your feelings.
If Venus if poorly aspected, your breathing may be shallow and there may be poor oxygenation of the blood.

Venus In Cancer
Venus (to harmonise) in Cancer Sign (Instinctive and Protective)
If you have Venus in Cancer, you are quiet, shy, sensitive, sentimental, gentle, and romantic and your feelings are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places and memories, and the past.
Remembering and celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other days of personal significance is very important to you. You seek caring, emotional support and security in love affairs.
You can be changeable and inconstant in matters of feeling and emotion. You desire peace and harmony in your home environment.
You cling to those you care about like a crab that won’t let go. Carried too far, your love and concern for others may turn into a clinging, possessiveness, don’t-let-go type of relationship.
Feelings of insecurity or feelings of being unloved or un-nurtured may lead you to eat too much and thus gain weight. You desire for rich or sweet food may contribute to the problem.
Your mother probably had/has much to do with your feelings of love and affection.
You like to be needed and your personal charm, magnetism and sympathy make you a natural caretaker.
You have a need to mother others.

Venus In Leo
Venus (to harmonise) in Leo (impressive and creative).
If you have Venus in Leo, in affairs of the heart, you are warm-hearted, spontaneous, ardent, affectionate, loyal and generous. You hate pettiness and stinginess in your partner.
You seek the Hero, the Prince or Princess, someone you can idolise and adore.
Someone you have great pride in or like in a movie, someone who will sweep you off your feet.
You desire appreciation, attention and love from others and like to be at the centre of things.
You are somewhat susceptible to flattery and love to be made to feel SPECIAL.
You desire and enjoy drama in your love life. Grand romantic gestures or great expressions of generosity impresses you. You dramatise your emotions.
You are honest, frank, attractive, kind, compassionate, and fun-loving with a charming personality.
You find it easy to be in love with love. You may expect too much of people and thus become easily hurt.
You must watch a tendency to be preoccupied with your physical appearance when you should be developing your inner potential. Vanity and becoming a show-off is possible.
You need to be admired for your inner and outer beauty.

Venus In Virgo
Venus (to harmonise) in Virgo (Analytical and Critical)
If you have Venus in Virgo, you are quietly devoted and faithful to your loved ones, and often become a kind of servant to your love partner.
You are more comfortable showing love for someone by doing something for them, making something for them, or simply being there for them rather than telling them so in a romantic sort of way.
You are somewhat timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. You may lack confidence in your attractiveness and ability to draw love to yourself.
This could create doubt of your worthiness to receive love and appreciation. There is a strong tendency to be very critical of the partner and to expect perfection.
Marriage may be delayed due to the desire to find that perfect partner, which does not exist.
You desire everything to be clean and orderly around you.
A tendency to criticise and nag can be overcome by learning how to serve others in a simple way.
You can be kind, tender, and sympathetic.
Thus you may excel at nursing.

Venus In Libra
Venus (to harmonise) in Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious)
If you have Venus in Libra, you are charming, tactful, courteous, considerate, balanced, poised, harmonious, and have a strong desire to please and not make waves. Because you try to be so agreeable, you have a difficult time saying “no.”
Thus people may take advantage of you.
Although Venus is a so-called benefic planet, Venus in Libra can be fairly ruthless at times within relationships. With this position, one knows just what the other wants to hear and can thus be quite manipulative.
You naturally attract people and things into your life when they are needed. Sometimes this happens so easily that you do not appreciate what you have.
Harmony is valued so much that you will compromise a great deal to keep it.
You don’t dwell on emotionally difficult or controversial subjects. More often, you’ll try to smooth things over or “sweep them under the rug”.
In partnerships, relationships and marriage, you want someone who is your equal. You want someone who balances with you and your personality.
You’re attracted to people who have a particular delicacy, finesse and subtlety. You really appreciate good manners and refinement. So someone who is coarse and blunt would not be your type of person. You possess magnetism, and you relate very well to others.
You’re likely to have musical or artistic ability or at least a fine appreciation of them. Throw in an excellent colour sense.
On the negative side, you may at times be lazy, wanting to take the easy way out or the line of least resistance.
You can also be very indecisive.
You need people and may find it difficult to feel comfortable in your own company.

Venus In Scorpio
Venus (to harmonise) in Scorpio (Intense and Secretive)
If you have Venus in Scorpio, in matters of love, you desire and crave profound, intense, and passionate relationships.
You can get very jealous regarding loved ones. Uncontrolled jealousy and possessiveness may help destroy your most intense relationships.
You have a tendency to “marry” whatever or whoever captures your heart and it ‘s hard to let go of it or them for any reason. You place high demands on your partners.
You are somewhat suspicious of even platonic, friendly relationships your partner has.
When betrayed, you are capable of hating with as much force and intensity as you once loved.
You are attracted to people who have an aura of mystery about them. You have a sultry charm, a personal magnetism.
Although your feelings run deep, you may have trouble expressing them. Once burned you never give another second chance. It is all or nothing at all.
There can be a profound religious devotion which can serve as an outlet for your overcharged emotions. You need to learn the value of self-control.
Misuse of the creative force in previous lifetimes has forced you to again deal with issues surrounding sex, passion, desire, and regeneration.
This position stimulates your artistic ability and brings infatuations, misalliances, and love affairs.

Venus In Sagittarius
Venus (to harmonise) in Sagittarius Sign (Free and Tolerant)
If you have Venus in Sagittarius, in matters of love, you are looking for someone you can grow with, someone who can expand your world and your consciousness.
You are attracted to someone who is fun-loving, playful, and open to adventure and new experiences. Travelling together, meeting new people and exploring new vistas is particularly enjoyable.
People of different background and cultures enlarge your understanding of the world and yourself.
You want to be able to share your dreams, aspirations and ideals with your mate. It is critical to you that you have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with your love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional/physical relationship.
You are not especially sentimental, and your partner may feel that you are too casual and not serious or romantic enough. You are sympathetic, kind, generous and optimistic. You idealise love.
Always on the lookout for greener pastures, you may not stay long with a partner who doesn’t help you to grow or provide you with enough excitement.
You desire to share a love of God, expressed through religious devotion and love of man, expressed through philanthropy and charity with the one you choose to love.

Venus In Capricorn
Venus (to harmonise) in Capricorn (Prudent and Reserved).
If you have Venus in Capricorn, the Saturn sign, you express love and affections in a reserved, cautious and severe ways. You are probably not demonstrative towards your loved ones.
You care about what other people think of you, and you fervently desire love and appreciation, even though your reserved responses make it appear that you are indeed very detached.
Casual and superficial relationships do not interest you in the slightest. You are cautious and serious regarding romance and love, and you want a deep, genuine, lasting love, and not break-ups.
You’re old-fashioned and traditional regarding dating, courtship and love and you’ll remain faithful and loyal to your loved one in good and bad times.
You’re often attracted to people older than you, emotionally mature, reliable and who provide the security you desire. When you get these needs met, you’re trustworthy, patient and steadfast.
You could weigh love against practical concerns or by security needs.
Perhaps you’ll marry for money or status. You have a strong desire to protect yourself from being hurt, and this may keep you from being as outgoing and forward in love matters.
You may be very fearful, selfish and jealous or cold and calculating if Venus is badly aspected.
There may be an intense ambition and desire for prestige and status.

Venus In Aquarius
Venus (to harmonise) in Aquarius (Indifferent and Unconventional)
If you have Venus in Aquarius, your affections are expressed in an open, unconventional and somewhat detached way. Socialising, bringing people together and having many friends and acquaintances very much appeal to you.
You value friendship so highly that you’d be more comfortable being a friend than a lover. One thing’s certain – you dislike clingy, possessive, relationships.
You need to be free to do whatever you want with whomever you like, and any infringement on that freedom will not be taken lightly. You desire an intellectual or spiritual connection with your partner.
This may even be preferred over a very intimate or emotional bonding.
You need a partner who provides plenty of freedom, allowing you to be your own person, and not be too demanding of you emotionally. You are original, happy and charming, but also, cool, calm and detached.
This detachment benefits you because, as a rule, you’re never possessive of people or anything.
Your feelings tend to be filtered through your mind and thus, intellectualised.
You need to learn warmth and understanding.

Venus In Pisces
Venus (to harmonise) in Pisces (Impressionable and Inspirational)
If you have Venus in Pisces, your affections are expressed in sympathetic, compassionate, softhearted, romantic ways.
You unselfishly give of yourself to those you love or to those who need or ask for your help.
You may be a sucker for any sort of sob story and perhaps give too much at times which make some overly dependent on you.
You are very idealistic in matters of love, and this sometimes plays itself out whereby you become the martyr or the saviour in relationships. You’re more compassionate than passionate.
You can become involved with others because they need to be loved or “saved”, and you want to help them, rather than being with them out of mutual attraction or pleasure.
You tend to attract/are attracted to those who are imaginative, sensitive, musically or artistically inclined. You desire to find someone you can have a deep, spiritual relationship with.
You idealise love and have a lovely, romantic vision of what love can be. At times you can just be in love with love.
You may be highly emotional, perhaps overly so, sensitive, artistic, compassionate, gentle and psychic.
You can be too easy-going or submissive and allow yourself to be taken advantage of because you do not want other people to feel let down and you don’t like to make waves.
You may have the attitude that somehow you must suffer in love, and do so willingly.
Mercury Signs

Mars Signs

Jupiter Signs