
Free Natal Birth Chart

Generate Your Free Astrology Chart Online Today

Do unlimited free birth charts for yourself and your friends and families.

Discover your zodiac sign, moon sign, rising sign (ascendant) and put the whole picture together

The free natal chart interpretation reveals the keys to your personality, as well as information on love, fortune, your house positions and more. It is a complete free astrology birth chart.

Let’s go.


Image of Saturn Return Graphic for Astrology 42

A Natal Chart wheel is also called a birth chart. A chart provides you with the information that you need for your astrology chart that goes beyond your basic Sun sign. With your free horoscope and natal chart complete, you will discover the signs and placements of ALL the planets (Sun, Lunar Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,  etc.) in your chart. 

Advanced Astrology can tell you about house systems, daily horoscopes, compatibility, Vedic and Chinese Astrology.

Natal Chart Interpretation

If you do not know about birth charts and the natal chart meaning, check out the following articles.

Instructions on filling in the calculator to get your free astrology chart today.

The birth data is all your birth information is basically all you need.

  1. Date Of BirthFill in your date of birth for a natal chart, or the birth date of the event for any other kind of horoscope.


  2. Place Of Birth: Type in the place of birth. Either the town or birth city that you were born in, then the country. You will see a list of suggestions. Pick the one correct for you. If it does not have the exact location you are after, put in the nearest big city that you were born. The time zone is the main thing here.


  3. Time Of Birth: Put in your time of birth. The more precisely you know the exact time, the better. If you know it approximately, use some reasonable approximation. Only tick the Time Unknown box if you have an unknown birth time. no idea about the time. It should automatically accommodate for daylight saving.In that case, you will get a cosmogram that is a horoscope without houses.(if you do not know your time of birth, see below)


  4. Once you input the information, hit submit.  A birth chart will appear and information from an astrology report.

P.S. If you need help understanding your birth chart, you can get in touch with one of our recommended astrologers.


Our chart generation function is not working at the moment.  We blame Mercury Retrograde. We’re waiting to get to back online soon.In the meantime, we suggest this.

AstroMatrix Chart Generation

Natal Chart faqs

Here are some typical questions that we often get regarding the natal chart.

"My rising sign on this birth chart is different than I expected, how come?"
The rising sign changes every two hours. Your time must be accurate to get the proper rising sign. In many cases, people are given incorrect rising signs when the astrologer or software program calculates the time zone incorrectly. There are many loopholes in the time zone laws; daylight savings time rules didn’t standardized until 1966. Provided you have entered your location and date and time correctly and your town is in our database, and then you can trust this natal chart as being accurate.
“Does the degrees mean that I have these characteristics more than others?”
The degrees listed on the printout are just the position in the sky where the planet is in degrees of longitude. Generally, the interpretations are in order of importance, with the Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign being the most important and ‘personal’ and Pluto being least important. But each planet has its area of your life that it rules.
“The houses on this free birth chart are not the same as another astrology chart from elsewhere, why?”
There are many different methods of calculating the house cusps (border lines). No method is more ‘correct’ than the other methods, and the results vary slightly from one method to the next. There is no debate about the position of the planets; the planets are where they are. Houses, however, are synthetic points in the sky created by astrologers and there is much debate among astrologers as to how these houses should be arranged, particularly the 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12th house cusps


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