Part of Fortune Sign The Definitive Guide To The Part of Fortune Sign
This page is about Pluto.
The last planet from the Sun in our Zodiac System, Pluto represents hopes and dreams, beliefs and illusions.
It is how we see new horizons, how we look at our own spiritual healing and how we service others in fantasy and dreams.
Let’s take a look at Pluto and Pluto Signs.

- Aries Part of Fortune Sign
- Taurus Part of Fortune Sign
- Gemini Part of Fortune Sign
- Cancer Part of Fortune Sign
- Leo Part of Fortune Sign
- Virgo Part of Fortune Sign
- Libra Part of Fortune Sign
- Scorpio Part of Fortune Sign
- Sagittarius Part of Fortune Sign
- Capricorn Part of Fortune Sign
- Aquarius Part of Fortune Sign
- Pisces Part of Fortune Sign
Part of Fortune in Aries Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely.
With the Part of Fortune in Aries, you achieve happiness and success through exercising your intuition and being creative.
You have lots of energy and need plenty of projects and adventures to pour your creativity into.
Life will flow more smoothly when you are bold, self-assertive, confident and spontaneous.
You’ll tend to be fortunate when following your intuition to start something new. You can transcend any self-doubt and achieve your goals by being strong and independent.
Part of Fortune in Taurus Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely.
With the Part of Fortune in Taurus you achieve happiness and success through your ability to be productive and build a solid foundation for your life that sustains over time.
You are slow, steady, self-assured and patient. You understand that it takes time to build anything of value in the material world, and you want the things in your life to be stable and enduring.
Your resources tend to be long-lasting and durable. You enjoy sensual pleasures, and you value anything that helps to bring you back in touch with your sense of inner peace.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness.
The opposite sign here is Scorpio so you can understand how everything changes in the material world. But if you focus on how unpredictable things can be, you’ll lose your sense of inner stability. Learn to live and let live, and stay in touch with your peaceful centre so you can become the foundation for evolutionary change in the world.
- Stick to reliable and secure projects and investments
- Take things at your pace – slow down and smell the roses
- Don’t resist – you gain more through surrender
- Seek that which abides
Part of Fortune in Gemini Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely. With the Part of Fortune in Gemini you achieve happiness and success by using your ability to communicate and connect with others.
You are versatile and adaptable, always on the move and looking for ways to learn and share what you know. You enjoy learning new things and making new connections and tend to learn something from everyone you meet. Your mind is flexible and curious, and you’re a walking Wikipedia.
Happiness will come from spreading yourself around and connecting with everything so you can build a clear picture of how the world works. But the more you learn, the more you realise how much life contradicts itself.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite sign here is Sagittarius so you can see the common threads that link disparate ideas together. This helps you to relate to lots of different people and situations. You try not to judge any of the ideas you encounter and see everything as relative, which can bring illumination through philosophical and religious studies.
Gemini Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by embracing change and adapting yourself to the moment. Having a connection is the key to your happiness.
- Accept the temporary and transient nature of the world
- Keep your feet on the ground and apply what you learn
- Embrace complexity and versatility
- Write, teach, network and connect
Part of Fortune in Cancer Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely. With the Part of Fortune in Cancer you achieve happiness and success through nurturing growth and giving birth to new possibilities.
You are warm, kind and maternal with a natural gentleness which means you can embody the love of the Mother. To find the success, you need to feel secure, and you tend to look for that security within the domestic world.
You want to feel close to others so you can express all your love and warmth and share your talent for nurturing others. Your fortune will be built on a secure emotional foundation created from who and what you love.
If the domestic world isn’t your thing, you may find happiness wherever you feel most at home. This could be your own home, or in any area of well-focused activity.
You can find stability within the natural changes in life, and your prosperity will tend to come in cycles. Joy will come through the experience of nurturing others and being nurtured in return.
You have an intimate connection with the beginnings of things. You particularly enjoy the process of giving birth to something, whether this is a child, a business, idea, project, or vision. You like to play a personal role in bringing new things into existence.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite sign here is Capricorn so you can understand how things grow to maturity over time.
You can see how ambition works and how things can sometimes crystallise too fast. If a project is given form too quickly, it can become rigid and lose its original meaning.
You want to take part in the creation of the world, but if you consider that ambition personally it could make you rigid and inflexible. For anything to grow it needs to stay flexible, and this is your job – to stay connected to the beginnings of things.
When you take an impersonal view of ambition, it stops you from getting ahead of yourself and reminds you that the ends don’t justify the means. You can do things for the sake of doing them, rather than for the glory of the goal at the end. Nurturing means allowing things to grow at their own rate and letting them take the right form at the right time.
Cancer Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by giving nourishment to projects and people who need it in order to flourish. Nurturing is the key to your happiness.
- Invest in things that last and save for a rainy day.
- Stay in touch with your inner child.
- Don’t hasten the harvest.
- Spread the love around.
Part of Fortune in Leo Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely. With the Part of Fortune in Leo you achieve happiness and success through putting your creative energies into entertaining others and playfully taking charge.
You have great energy and enthusiasm and want to be the centre of attention. You are generous and optimistic, with dramatic flare and the potential for leadership. Happiness will come from expressing yourself creatively and putting your personal feelings into everything you do.
You like to have someone to impress because you need feedback and gratitude for your generosity of spirit. To feel successful, you need recognition for your achievements, and joy will come from accomplishing something that stands as an example of what humanity is capable of. You can achieve much by focusing your abundant creative energy and developing self-mastery. Through doing this, you’ll become an inspiration to others.
You’ll need to focus your energy so you can conserve it and channel it into specific projects. Any achievements you have will come from your personal efforts which will be very satisfying. You only want to accomplish things that are worth doing. This means they must be meaningful to you. There’s no point in doing anything dishonourable because you want to be seen with dignity and respect. You have high standards and make great demands on yourself because you want to achieve so much more than anyone else.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite sign here is Aquarius so you understand that everyone has their own path because everyone is different. You understand that you can’t force others to conform to your methods. You can advise others, but don’t issue commands. You can’t order people about! Learn to let others accept or reject your creative offerings without getting attached to the outcome. If you expect something in return for all that you give, you’ll lose touch with your inner joy and playful spirit.
Leo Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by channelling your creative energy into specific large-scale achievements. Creative self-expression is the key to your happiness.
- Entertain and allow yourself to shine.
- Embrace leadership and lead by example.
- Pour your heart into everything you do.
- Give for the joy of giving without expectation of reward.
Part of Fortune in Virgo Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely. With the Part of Fortune in Virgo you achieve happiness and success through seeking perfection and self-mastery.
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely. With the Part of Fortune in Virgo you achieve happiness and success through seeking perfection and self-mastery.
You’re an excellent organiser and conscientious about details. You need to create a lifestyle that nourishes your well-being and health and allows you to de-stress. Mindfulness helps you to be at ease at the moment and ensures you notice every little detail and how everything fits together.
You’re highly sensitive to your environment and the emotions of others, so your ability to discriminate through introversion and seek the essentials in life will help to bring you joy.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite sign here is Pisces, so you understand compassion and how everything is connected under the surface.
You’re sensitive to the hidden emotional undercurrents in any situation, and these can quickly throw you off balance. Remember that feelings are transitory and always changing, so you don’t have to worry about them or try to control them. To find your joy, you must live in the here and now
Virgo Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by achieving wholeness and inner peace which promotes efficient functioning in all areas. Self-mastery is the key to your happiness.
- Focus on the present moment where you find eternal peace
- Develop discernment and discrimination
- Learn to tolerate a little mess
- Focus on inner peace through self-discipline and self-surrender
Part of Fortune in Libra Sign
With the Part of Fortune in Libra you achieve happiness and success through cultivating harmonious relationships with others.
You know how to please and make others happy, and your joy will be found in forming relationships with people you like.
You strive to find peace with people who are difficult and can see beyond their faults to find common ground. You understand how to create win-win situations.
Happiness will come through your social connections and intimate relationships. You benefit others, but they also help you in turn, and there’s always someone there with whom you can share your success.
Through diplomacy, tact and grace you find joy in knowing you belong and feel part of something bigger than just you.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally.
If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite sign here is Aries, so you understand the desire to succeed and take pioneering action towards a goal.
You know you must consider the effects of your actions before you make them which is why you take others’ perspectives into account before you act. But if you take this too personally, you’ll be pulled into uncertainty and over-sensitivity.
You have refined ideals of behaviour, and the only way you can live up to them is not to take your own desires personally. If you do this, you can find a point of balance at the centre between all perspectives that allows you to see the most ideal solution to any problem.
Libra Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by finding the point of equilibrium in a world of opposites. Sharing your happiness is the key to your satisfaction.
- Share your success and happiness with others.
- Embrace oneness with all through relationship.
- Allow others to take care of you.
Part of Fortune in Scorpio Sign
With the Part of Fortune in Scorpio you achieve happiness and success through regeneration and transmutation of sexual energies into higher spiritual powers.
You are secretive, intense and ambitious, with penetrating perceptions that see everything and everyone around you.
Trust and integrity are essential because you want to live without pretence. Superficiality does not fool you, and you seek intimacy with others to bring about transformation.
Your penetrating insight means you understand the essence of life and the creative forces of nature.
Happiness comes through the proper use of power, whether sexual power or that which comes from identifying with collective energies.
You’re fearless in the face of the unknown and want to probe the meaning of life, see into the unseen and understand the secrets of life and death.
You’re always seeking to grow and change, so your joy will never seem peaceful on the surface.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find happiness, but only if you take it personally.
If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve satisfaction. The opposite sign here is Taurus, so you understand how important security is to society.
But you also know that security is often created by repression and denial because you’re attuned to society’s unconscious thought patterns.
Scorpio Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by embracing the unknown and attuning yourself to the forces of nature. Transformation is the key to your happiness.
- Allow your keen perception of integrity guide you.
- Channel your ambitions into creative projects.
- Focus your power to achieve success.
- Allow the forces of evolution to transform you.
Part of Fortune in Sagittarius Sign
Part of Fortune is in Sagittarius you achieve happiness and success by expanding your horizons and seeking to understand.
You are adventurous, optimistic and curious about life. You want to be able to grow in all directions so tend to avoid confining situations that limit your possibilities.
You want physical and mental freedom, and want to experience as much of life as possible. Your greatest fortune lives with you and where you call home, but you often feel that wherever you happen to be, that is your real home. You may be happiest living a life outside of the common traditions and limitations.
Belief and faith will play a large part in how you find success. You tend to be naturally lucky and may have a predictive ability to see into the future.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free movement of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally.
The opposite sign here is Gemini, so you understand how others think and divide everything into dualities of opposites. You want to focus on expanding your consciousness, but that’s difficult if you keep worrying about what others think.
Detach from the dual perspective of Gemini and take a broader view because this helps you to create a unified picture which is more meaningful to you.
Happiness doesn’t transfer from person to person quickly. The best way to share your joy is to concentrate on your passions and live by example.
Sagittarius Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by living life to the full and staying open to future possibilities and adventures. Meaning is the key to your happiness.
- Share your enthusiasm with others.
- Be sincere and honest in all your communication.
- Just be.
Part of Fortune in Capricorn Sign
With the Part of Fortune in Capricorn you achieve happiness and success through hard work, determination and the achievement of goals.
You are serious and hard-working with high standards of accountability and self-discipline. Even if you feel you’re not that together, you’re more capable than you realise and can achieve more than you think.
Put your hopes and ambitions into action, and you’ll create your fortune by giving your life a definite form and structure that will outlive you.
You want to overcome restrictions you experienced when you were young and became your own authority. You understand what it means to be the master of your destiny, and nothing will stop you manifesting what you know you can achieve.
You have a healthy respect for tradition and want to make a real and valuable contribution to society.
You’re motivated by the need for quality and excellence in all that you do, and your fortune will be found in creating something with integrity and lasting value.
Your personal life is deep rather than wide, and you have access to great wisdom through practising self-discipline and transcendence. Happiness will tend to come later in life when you’ve achieved maturity and gained the skills needed to complete your many ambitions.
But you can experience joy in watching your life take shape and observing the slow, steady progress you make. You have a profound sense of social and spiritual responsibility which motivates you to become an example of integrity and higher possibilities.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness.
The opposite sign here is Cancer, so you understand and experience the full range of emotion and the enthusiasm that births new beginnings. You know you need a good foundation for your projects, and that you need to nurture them to help them grow. But your emotions require careful handling.
You’re sensitive to the needs of others and easily overwhelmed by emotion if you take it personally, so it’s essential for you to avoid negative entanglements with others.
Negative emotions drain your energy and stop you from making progress. To find the joy, you must master your feelings by taking an impersonal approach.
Fears, insecurity and self-doubt from the past can all interfere with what you’re trying to build, so you need to remember that your life’s work is more important than your fears.
Capricorn Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by taking responsibility and patiently developing self-mastery. The purpose is the key to your happiness.
- Stay true to your own path.
- Persevere and you will succeed.
- Your strength is revealed through effort.
Part of Fortune in Aquarius Sign
With Part of Fortune in Aquarius, you achieve any happiness and success through freedom and detachment from constraints.
You’re interested in new ideas that stimulate your inventiveness and originality and want to know about everything and how it all fits together. You want to do your own thing and may seek solitude to escape from traditional social roles and prefer an unconventional lifestyle.
You’re a true free spirit who can see future possibilities and trends before they become popular and use this to your advantage. Happiness will come through making a contribution that benefits everyone.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune could block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy if you take it personally. If you don’t, it will help you achieve happiness.
The opposite sign here is Leo so you can see how people try to get personal power and self-respect, but can also see how that process can be abused and misused.
If you get too wrapped up in your ego drives for power and recognition, it will block your ability to be genuinely free and joyful.
Happiness will come by embracing your detachment from the ego, and this will help you to free yourself from social attitudes that could hold you back. By accepting your uniqueness and taking an objective view of your path, you can free yourself from social roles and expectations, and then share what you discover.
Aquarius Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by exploring your awareness and opening to the possibilities of the future. Freedom is the key to your happiness.
- Celebrate your uniqueness and that of others.
- Follow your path.
- Share your insights and ideas.
Part of Fortune in Pisces Sign
The Part of Fortune in the signs shows how you can find joy by allowing the energy of the sign to flow freely. With the Part of Fortune in Pisces you achieve happiness and success by focusing on higher ideals and imagination.
You are spiritual and compassionate with a powerful intuition and mysterious magnetic quality. You can experience the truth that all is one because you’re naturally attuned to the spirit and the unity of all beings, so you can adapt to any situation and serve any need that arises. Your perceptions transcend the finite world, and you’re not that interested in worldly affairs.
You may achieve your goals as a result of personal or social crises, or through synchronistic events that appear to be miracles to people who can’t see how things are connected the way you do. You might not like to make promises and prefer to leave things open because you know you’re not really in control of what happens. Things tend to work better for you when you detach from the outcome. You see the essence of reality and can make your dreams come true by aligning your mind with higher levels of consciousness. There are larger and stronger forces at work than your own ego, so you know it’s best to go with the flow of life and let your imagination lead the way.
Creative and artistic pursuits may bring happiness and prosperity. The inner world of imagination and visions is what gives meaning to your life and helps you feel connected. Your faith and compassion for others will bring joy and help you to create a more loving and soulful world by sharing your vision through creativity.
The point opposite the Part of Fortune may block the free flow of energy and make it harder to find joy, but only if you take it personally. If you allow it to manifest impersonally, it will help you achieve happiness. The opposite sign here is Virgo so you can see how people try to plan and organise their lives, but you also know they can’t see the whole picture or understand its meaning.
You understand the restrictions of living in the finite world of the senses, but to find your joy you can’t identify with that reality. You can use your mind to purify and order your thoughts as long as you don’t take them personally. You must avoid trying to manipulate or control life and learn to see the perfection of things as they are. You know that everything in the apparently finite world is a reflection of the Divine reality of oneness.
Pisces Pot of Gold
You’ll find joy by attuning to the higher levels of consciousness and going with the flow of life. Imagination is the key to your happiness.
- Practice acceptance.
- Detach from the outcome.
- Share the love!