Earth Signs
The Ultimate Guide
Ah, those dependable, reliable earth signs of the zodiac.
Here we will take a look at the earth element in general as manifested by the 3 earth signs.
What does earth represent and how does it help us.
We have put together this Earth sign hub page.
Let us take a look at the earth element and delve a bit deeper into the 3 earth signs.

What Are The Earth Signs Of The Zodiac?
The Earth Signs of the Zodiac are:
- Taurus
- Virgo
- Capricorn
Let’s look to understand the sensibilities and usefulness of Earth signs and their dominant element, Earth.
Earth is real; you can see it, hold it, smell it.
Suitably so, Earth signs are very “down to earth” and real. Earth is the foundation on which everything builds.
Earth people are reliable and stable and composed of many different parts, they are multi-faceted people, like the many mineral compounds that make the land.
There is nothing wishy-washy about these people, they do not have their head in the clouds, They are dependable, will always be there, and they are stable.
The element of Earth attaches to the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and it also rules the Second, Sixth and Tenth Houses.
All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here: salt of the Earth, feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth.
Those graced by an Earth sign in their horoscope are practical, grounded and dependable. These folks don’t take significant risks; instead, they much prefer a sure thing.
Here are illustrated icons of the 3 earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Earth Sign Element Overview
- Taurus
- Virgo
- Capricorn
- 2nd House
- 6th House
- 10th House
Light Traits:
- Practical
- Grounded
- Common sense
- Hard working
Shadow Traits:
- Stubborn
- Greedy
- Petty
- Excessively conventional

Note:You do not have to be one of the earth sign to exhibit traits associated with earth.
Example: you could have someone who is an Aries, but maybe has 4 or 5 planets in Taurus and Capricorn, and could still exhibit many earth-like qualities.
Earth Sign Element Traits
Earth is the element of strength, prosperity, growth, and stability. Earth is robust, vibrant, sultry, sturdy and dependable. (Mother Earth) Represents growth and the commitment it takes to make things grow.
It is a slow and methodical element. Stability is Earth’s unique gift

Earth is Yin, Passive, Female and Receptive. It represents sensations, patience, tolerance, dedication. Earth is the foundation for all the other elements.
Earth symbolises commitment, permanence and form. It is facts and law, practicality and consequence.
The senses – Seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and touching are functions of Earth.

Much like the elements are considered the building blocks of nature, Earth signs are the builders of the zodiac. To these signs, creation is a sensible proposition.
Whether it’s building jobs or a home or creating comfortable rooms within that home through the acquisition of possessions, Earth signers are all about what is solid around us.
Those influenced by this element feel best once they have accumulated a goodly number of worldly possessions. The risk inherent in this, however, is that these individuals may become greedy and far too materialistic.

The element of Earth also confers a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability to those in its sphere. These are the people you can count on to be there when you need them.
Those influenced by Earth also tend toward caution and conservatism, in both desire and approach.
That said, they are sensualists, indeed, in that they appreciate a good meal and fine wine better than anyone else.

The logical mind of an Earth Signer is appreciated. In keeping with this measured approach, these folks also display considerable recuperative powers.
On the flip side of things, however, those supported by Earth may be so caught up in their objectives that they might overlook the feelings of others. It is a big picture, after all, but these folks may be more concerned with the finish line than the journey they are taking.
Earth signs are dependable, practical and conservative, yet relatively materialistic.
They have their feet on the ground but their eyes on the prize.
- common sense, stability, dependability
- a tendency towards being cautious, premeditative and conventional
- a responsible, diligent, pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to life
- the concern with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment
- reliability and steadfastness
- realism, rigid conservatism, extreme materialism
- disinterest in material gain and earthly possessions
- a certain discomfort integrating with the environment
- a simple inability to handle practical and mundane issues
- an inability to ground – lost in space, building castles in the air
- difficulty getting organised and finishing things
- lack of common sense and reliability
- to open up to new ideas and use of imagination
- to guard against rigid, methodical, strait-jacketed mentality
- to guard against being too predictable
- to be less concerned with the physical and material and focus more on the abstract and emotional
- to take a chance, to risk every now and again
- to guard against confusion and insecurity
- to improve understanding of the basics, the root or matrix of things
- to learn to appreciate the simple things in life people take for granted
- to ground grandiose schemes within a realistic framework
Zodiac Earth Signs
Earth Signs Hub
So now that we have discussed the earth element. As mentioned, there are the three earth signs.
Let’s take a little look at them in a bit more detail.
(April 19th – May 21st)

What you’ll Learn
The first earth sign, Taurus is the most stable and the strongest.
Ruled by the physical senses, they are the epitome of the physical body. It is also the first of the fixed signs.
Taurus are famous for their stubborn nature and their unwillingness to change and would have a hard time to do so.
(August 23rd – Sept 22nd)

What you’ll Learn
The middle sign is represented by the middle of the earth, not entirely on the surface and not quite deep down either. Stuck and indecisive.
Virgo lives in their world on an earthly mental plane. Being one of the mutable signs, they observe and think with quick analytical precision, and are flexible.
Virgo is the least physical of the earth signs.
(December 23rd – Jaunary 19th)

What you’ll Learn
Capricorn is the earth in it’s most basic and purest form. With a strong sense of high-level professionalism in their lives, the Capricorn sun sign has many sides and takes an interest in everything from materialistic possessions to stable to being a potent status symbol.
One of the cardinal signs, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is lead through order and discipline.
Fire Signs
Aries | Leo | Sagittarius

Air Signs
Gemini | Libra | Aquarius

Water Signs
Cancer | Scorpio | Pisces